If you want to order Realmz from outside the United States you CAN send us a check drawn on a foreign currency. DO NOT have it drawn for US Dollars. Leave it in your own currency. We can deposit checks drawn for a foreign currency without any penelty. If you have it drawn in US funds then we have to pay a big fee. (This is the exact opposite of what you would expect it to be, but that is the way it is.)
So in a nutshell, if your from France send us a check for francs. If your from Japan, send us a check in Yen, etc... etc...
If you have any questions regarding this just e-mail us at: Fantasoft1@aol.com or mail us at our P.O. Box.
Exchange Rates
If you will be sending us a check that is drawn from a foreign bank, please multiply the amount due by the exchange rate below.
Australia: x 1.35 = 1 US Dollar
Belgium: x 30 = 1 US Dollar
Britain: x 0.65 = 1 US Dollar
Canada: x 1.35 = 1 US Dollar
Denmark: x 6.00 = 1 US Dollar
France: x 5.25 = 1 US Dollar
Greece: x 235 = 1 US Dollar
Germany: x 1.50 = 1 US Dollar
Italy: x 1700 = 1 US Dollar
Japan: Cannot accept checks for yen. Sorry.
Netherlands: x 1.70 = 1 US Dollar
New Zealand: x 1.65 = 1 US Dollar
Norway: x 6.50 = 1 US Dollar
Singapore: x 1.45 = 1 US Dollar
Sweden: x 7.30 = 1 US Dollar
Switzerland: x 1.25 = 1 US Dollar
If your exchange rate is not on this list, you can find the current rate from your bank or look it up in the newspaper on a daily basis.